In every work or in every institution there are always issues that they've encountered. Like in guidance and counseling one of the issues they're facing is about the professional title, wherein some of the professional in field prefer to be called guidance counselor while the other prefer school counselor. The growing trend is for counselors to be seen as professionals in a large system, working fluidly with all aspects within the system. Their duties are larger and wider compare to duties of vocational guidance counselors in the past. Aside from professional title, there is also a major trend in education is the demand for accountability and evaluation.
There are different issues and trends in the field of guidance & counseling. Especially in school counseling there are many issues that a guidance counselor is facing because a school counselor have more duties than those practiced by vocational guidance counselors. The duties of a school counselor is assisting in preventing students from being involved with many difficulties such as participating in gangs, dropping out of school, becoming a teenage parent, using drugs and participating in or becoming victim of act of violence.
These difficulties or problem concerning with students are serious problems of youth nowadays. It is now the duty of a school counselor to influence the students to avoid this kind of activities and problems and also it his/her duty to provide safe environment for students. Lastly a counselor like school counselor does not attempt to solve the students problem for them, they only try to help them to solve their problems and clarify the persons own thinking.
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